Do you need life insurance?
Thank you for your membership and the trust you have placed in CCFCU as your financial institution. As a credit union, we strive to serve our members with affordable products and services needed for financial success. We also seek to be responsive to our membership by offering excellent benefits that can make a significant difference, especially in difficult times.
For our members who would like to protect their family’s financial security, we are offering the following special opportunity.
Permanent Term Life Insurance
· Low Cost Permanent Solution – Premiums do not increase and Benefits stay the same to age 121.
· Guaranteed Issue (up to $50,000) – Apply without the normal medical questions or a medical exam during the enrollment period within the next 45 days.
· Available for spouse and children
· Access to a licensed benefits counselor to discuss your individual needs
Please click here for more information:
To speak with a benefit counselor today, call (704) 321-1730 or text CCFCU to (704) 661-1276. You may also email by clicking this link: email benefit counselor
Your financial health is our priority at CCFCU. Protecting your family against the unforeseen circumstances of life is extremely important. We are here to help!
Ashley Hill, President